Case Study: TrackerCheck

Case Study: TrackerCheck

The Technologies

Alpha Software

The Company

Tracker Technologies is a technology group that builds SaaS web & mobile app applications for Fortune 500 clients in the Oil & Gas industry. They offer a suite of products that help maintenance users manage facilities and commissioning projects.

The Challenge

TrackerCheck is a Commissioning Management Software web application that we helped work on while working for Tracker Technologies.

TrackerCheck was originally developed by Andrew Rachel, the founder of Tracker Technologies. Tracker Technologies also gave us the opportunity to develop a complete web application, TrackerPrep, from start to finish for a Fortune 500 client.

Some of the tasks we helped out with on the TrackerCheck project include:

  • Use the existing Alpha Software project to handle the front-end and back-end of the application.
  • A complete frontend redesign under a very tight deadline to demo at their yearly symposium.
  • Improvement to the PDF merging process. It was previously done using the MariaDB Event Scheduler that would run a Python script. We changed the process to instead merge instantly by creating a custom Python script and updating the logic in the components. This reduced the PDF merge process from 30 minutes to instanteously.
  • TrackerCheck has a script that can process a template from Excel and performs several checks and balances on the data. We created a way to dynamically create these import routines using a JSON object which saves several hours of development time.

Here's a little more about what TrackerCheck can do:

  • Traditional commissioning is done on paper using Excel spreadsheets and printing to get physical signatures on signoffs. This can get hard to manage, so these companies are starting to look at technology to make it easier and avoid errors. This is where TrackerCheck comes into play.
  • It allows you to manage your teams, projects, and project data.
  • It integrates with reporting software such as Yurbi.
  • It allows you to export & import data from a spreadsheet, with error handling to ensure valid (and unique, when applicable) data is being entered.
  • It has a mobile app with offline mode capabilities for on-site technicians to work in areas with bad signal.

The Results

TrackerCheck is being used by several Fortune 500 clients across the globe. It has helped thousands of commissioning projects from start to finish, and continues to grow and expand to new areas. They are doing amazing things behind the scenes with the new version by creating a multitenant environement and being able to quickly deploy new clients onboard.

The technology is constantly growing and is looking to use some really cool technologies that will help commisioning projects significantly. If you're a commissioning manager, or know someone involved in Turnover Coordination, you should take a look at their technology! They are constantly adapting and pushing their technology as far as they can.

TrackerCheck: Dashboard
TrackerCheck: Project Dashboard
TrackerCheck: Components

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